Ballet Folklorico de Los Banos closed it's doors in January 2003 due to family illness and an impending move. We are grateful to all who have assisted us during our 5 years of operation. We made many life long friends and have seen countless successes by our dancers both in the arts and in their other endeavors.
We would like to thank the parents who spent many hours committed to bringing their children to practice and performances. We would like to thank the United Methodist Chuch of Los Banos for providing us with their rec hall as a practice site. We would like to thank our mentors in the Folklorico movement, Nino Carillo, Shirley Garcia and Angel Bertha Cobb. But we would have not been successful had it not been for the dedication of the children, many of whom became an extended family. They have left us with countless memories that we will cherish forever. Their smiling faces, tapping feet and graceful twirls will live in our hearts forever.
Through the discipline of performing arts, the participants developed optional modes of behavior. Most of the children in the group are on the honor rolls in their schools. We believe that we made a difference in many of their lives and they certainly made a difference in ours. God Bless and Good Luck. Cynthia and Marie Greenwood |